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Director Information

This fall, as in the past 50 years, Dance Tree will be servicing day schools, parochial and private schools with quality ballet, tap, cheer, hip hop and fitness programs. As you consider programs to add to your existing curriculum, please consider all that Dance Tree has to offer.


Why Dance Tree for your school?


1. We want to be an enhancement to your school and a positive experience for your parents.


2. Our teachers are career-oriented educators certified to teach the proven Dance Tree method and meet all the requirements for Texas Child Care licensing. Teacher promptness, courtesy and consistent attendance are a Dance Tree prerequisite.


3. We provide FREE demonstration classes to your students so you and your staff can "see" our program. Each program is custom designed for your schools needs. With minimum enrollment, we offer rebates and scholarships to your school. Throughout the year we have promotional discounts to your parents which may include free t-shirts, discounted registration or supplies.


4. We continually advertise and serve as a referral service for parents wanting a school with Dance Tree education. Consequently, we are selective when choosing a school in which to offer our program.


5. The Dance Tree's corporate structure provides an office manager available Monday-Friday 9am-5pm to handle any questions regarding billing, supplies, performances, communication, etc. from your parents and staff.


6. All supplies and costumes needed for dance, can be ordered through the Dance Tree office and will be delivered directly to your students at your school.


7. Dance Tree carries comprehensive liability insurance.


8. A professional off-site recital, similar to that of our affiliated studio, is provided to all Dance Tree students but at a lower cost to your parents. You and your parents can observe the children performing in a theatrical setting. Performance is an integral part of movement education and must be provided in order to give the parent and child a full appreciation and understanding of what a valuable contribution it can make to their lives.


9. We maintain high family values and are selective regarding music, dance moves and costumes. (Special music is available to use in Christian schools.)


10. We want to be included in all your school activities such as Open Houses, Holiday programs, pep rallies, graduations, etc.. We want to be personally involved with you and welcome both positive and negative comments from your organization and/or your parents.



The following classes are available year round with

special "Dance Camps" available in the summer:


PRE- DANCE- for children ages 2-3. This learning readiness program is designed to develop motor skills and body awareness. Basic tumbling and simple tap and ballet routines are taught. Ribbons are presented in the progressive tumbling curriculum each semester.


CREATIVE DANCE- for children ages 3-5, is an introductory course in the basics of tap, ballet and tumbling. Routines are taught in tap and ballet.


SCHOOL AGE DANCE- This class is designed to give the beginning older student a broad foundation in tap, ballet and jazz.


CHEER/HIP HOP- This is a fun, innovative class teaching the latest in hip hop and cheer techniques. Aerobic exercise is emphasized for conditioning and routines are taught for performances.



Contact us soon to schedule a free demonstration class for your students and to receive our complete literature package. Dance Tree would welcome the opportunity to offer classes in your school.




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“Let us praise the Lord with dance.”

Psalm 149:3

Call 281-480-8441 for the day school nearest you offering Dance Tree instruction!

"Kids Just Want to have fun"

Dance Tree | 1001 Pineloch #100 | Houston, TX 77062 | 281-480-8441

Dance Tree © 2024

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